10:58 PM Kelsey 0 Comments

Happy New Year!!!!!!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe new year and got to ring it in with their favorite humans. I thought I would let you all in on my resolutions/goals for this year. But before I do that I want to reflect on 2014. 
2014 was a great year, I didn't spend a lot of the year being sad and I got to do cool things and go to some cool places. I graduated high school in June which was a huge accomplishment, went to New York City, met one of my best friends of 3 years Isabella, went to Germany and saw where my grandma was born and grew up, also went to Berlin and saw the Berlin Wall and got to go to so many museums, started college, ended my first term with straight A's, started to learn to drive, began to finally love myself, started to become informed on important subjects, and bettered friendships with the important people in my life. 2014 was great and I can't believe how much I learned and grew.
But now for for my 2015 goals;
- learn to drive and get my license(for real this time)
- learn more about makeup
- continue to educate myself about whats going on around the world
- take more pictures
- continue to stay confident and love myself endlessly
- don't let my anxieties and fears control me
 - continue to love myself apologetically
I hope you all have a wonderful day/morning/evening/night!!!
